Conceptual Inspiration

DEL MARE BANGSARAY BEACHFRONT is beachfront residence with tropical modern style blending with luxury natural resort feeling.

The building is visible in all directions. Straight line structure is designed to represent the height and stable, together with rhythm and top crown in order to stand splendid and balanced.

We emphasize in every detail not only mountain views, city, and also beach using natural or pattern retrieving as factors in design as you can notice around swimming pool area.

The designers also focus on fortune theory, notice from enormous building behind as for the mountain, and the river in front as represent for landscape, and also giant swimming pool.

Conceptual Design

The conception to design the building and interior decoration- the designers emphasize on indoor feeling, and also focus on the most common benefits with tropical modern style harmonize with exterior decoration. More emphasizes on resort living style than using wooden decoration with wall and floors.

Warm light structure is smoothly visible, relaxed, and to build up warm for residences. LED lights are used in this project to be responsible for social and environment.

Room has been designed with fully equipped, especially opened and wide windows view feeling absolutely windy and fresh outdoors.
